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Police deploy watercannon in Brussels

Police used watercannon to disperse crowds in the vicinity the Flageyplein in Elsene (Brussels) last night as hundreds of revellers refused to comply with the new ban on public gatherings limiting gatherings after midnight to three people. Two people were injured.

The first day back on the terraces of pavement cafés attracted large crowds across Flanders and in its capital, Brussels.  Few incidents were reported initially.

By midnight several thousand people had gathered in the vicinity of the Flagey.  Many had also come to celebrate the end of the curfew following a call on social media.  Hospitality had closed at 10PM.  Those that remained refrained from physical distancing and many were not masked.  Around 500 people refused to budge when asked by the police.

Police spokesman Olivier Slosse: “A large number of people were not complying with corona restrictions.  Police, the mayor and his staff engaged the crowd asking people to go home.”

Around 2AM police used watercannon to disperse the crowd.

Olivier Slosse: “Some people were quite sober and incited others to stay and not to play the rules of the game”.

One reveller suffered concussion when he was hit by a projectile.  One police officer was injured.  Three people were detained.

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