Interior Minister receives death threats

The Interior Minister Jan Jambon (Flemish nationalist) and his party colleague, the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken have received death threats. Mr Jambon revealed that he and Mr Francken had received death threats during an interview on the commercial television station VTM’s lunchtime news.

The threats were delivered to a police station in the town of Arlon in Luxembourg Province. The anonymous letter-writer wrote that Mr Jambon and Mr Francken would be killed if they didn’t leave the country.

Mr Jambon added that the threats are believed to have come from an individual or individual that had become radicalised.
The letter was signed by a person that said that he was an extremist Muslim. Mr Jambon said that despite the threats he hasn’t asked for any extra protection.

"This has only served to motivate me even more to prioritise security and to curb radicalisation”, Mr Jambon told VTM News.
Meanwhile, Mr Francken has asked for protection from the local police service.

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