VRT/Luk De Wilde

Drunk driver damages three houses after car sped out of control

A car sped out of control damaging three houses in the East Flemish municipality of Zele on Saturday night. Four young men were travelling in the car. One of them was seriously injured in the crash. The other three sustained minor injuries. None of the occupants of the three houses damaged were injured. However, one of the houses has been declared uninhabitable.  

The local police spokesman Johan De Bruycker told VRT News that "The driver has had his licence revoked for a period of 15 days due to alcohol intoxication”.

The East Flemish Judicial Authorities say that the most likely cause of the accident is excess speed.

The East Flemish Judicial Authorities’ Eva Brantegem told VRT News that  "No third parties were involved in the accident, so it can only have been caused by excess speed and the fact that the driver had been drinking”.

The road was strewn with debris, but it has since reopened.  

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