Radio 2

Black ram of Wemmel caught after two months on the run

A black ram that has been roaming the streets of the Flemish Brabant municipality of Wemmel for the past two months has finally be caught. Despite the best efforts of locals and the police in Wemmel, a largely residential municipality just outside Brussels, the ram had managed to evade capture. 

The animal that was first spotted near to Wemmel’s municipal cemetery at the end of September has been taken to an animal sanctuary in Lennik (Flemish Brabant). 

The ram was exhausted after his ten-week adventure and will now have time to recover at the sanctuary. One local resident told VRT Radio 2 Flemish Brabant that “The police tried to catch him several times, he is incredibly quick and can jump a long way”. 

However, on Sunday the ram appeared not to quite be himself. 

“Exhausted he came and lay down in the front garden”. There was plastic around his horns. The police were able to catch him without too much effort”. 

Fred Scraeyen of the AMOW Local Police Service told the VRT that "We have indeed been able to catch the ram. He has been taken to the Ark van Pollare, the animal sanctuary in Lennik. The sanctuary told VRT News that the ram is now feeling much better. However, as there is no way of identifying him it will not be easy to reunite him with his owner. 


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