Big hike is stamp prices

Belgium's semi-public post group Bpost has announced a big increase in the price of sending a letter.  Bpost is also reintroducing the Prior rate.  Slap a Prior stamp on your letter and Bpost guarantees that it will arrive at a destination in Belgium the following day!

Of course expediency doesn't come cheap and a prior stamp will set you back one euro starting 1 January.  At present you can get Bpost to deliver your letters for 87 cents a go, if they are in the regular format.  If you are happy that your letter arrives within three days in Belgium you can still buy a non-priority stamp, but from the New Year that will set you back 95 cents!

People with a calculator handy will already have worked out that the minimum increase is a whopping 9.2% on the present price.  The new higher rate stamps go on sale on 1 January.  Buy ten and you will receive a 3 cent reduction Bpost informs us.

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