27 neue Chefs in belgischer Diplomatie im Ausland

Auf Vorschlag des Außenministers Didier Reynders hat der König die Ernennung von 27 neuen Chefs belgischer diplomatischer Posten im Ausland abgesegnet. Die Ernennungen der bilateralen Posten sind definitiv, sobald die betroffenen Gastländer ihre Zustimmung gegeben haben.

Für die ständigen Vertreter bei internationalen Organisationen wird eine vorausgehende Akkreditierung verlangt. Die neuen Chefposten werden in den Sommermonaten angetreten.

So wird der derzeitige Botschafter in Rom, Vincent Mertens, der neue Botschafter von Paris. Der heutige Botschafter von Paris, Patrick Vercauteren wechselt wiederum als Botschafter nach Rom.

Sehen Sie hier die Liste der 27 neuen Diplomatiechefs und ihre heutigen Funktionen in Klammern

(Die Liste ist in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht.)


• Abidjan, Ivory Coast: Mr. Hugues Chantry (currently Ambassador in Addis Ababa)
• Abuja, Nigeria: Mr. Stéphane De Loecker (currently Advisor to the Western Europe / Central Europe / North America department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Mr. Didier Nagant (currently Counsellor at the Embassy in Rome)
• Amman, Jordan: Mr. Hendrik Van de Velde (currently Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Athens, Greece: Mr. Luc Liebaut (currently Ambassador in Tokyo)
• Bucharest, Romania: Mr. Thomas Baekelandt (currently Ambassador in Amman)
• Budapest, Hungary: Ms. Marie-France André (currently Director Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Dakar, Senegal: Mr. Philippe Colyn (currently Director Foreign Policy of the EU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Mr. Paul Cartier (currently Minister Counsellor at the Permanent Representation to the UN in Geneva)
• Hanoi, Viet Nam: Ms. Jehanne Roccas (currently Director South and East Asia / Oceania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Helsinki, Finland: Mr. Philippe Beke (currently Ambassador in Bucharest)
• Islamabad, Pakistan: Mr. Frédéric Verheyden (currently Advisor to the South and East Asia / Oceania department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Havana, Cuba: Mr. Patrick Van Gheel (currently Director Trade Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Lisbon, Portugal: Mr. Boudewijn Dereymaeker (currently Director Human Resources of the Foreign Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Luanda, Angola: Mr. Frank Felix (currently Consul at the Embassy in Ankara)
• Oslo, Norway: Ms. Nancy Rossignol (currently Ambassador in Zagreb)
• Paris, France: Mr. Vincent Mertens (currently Ambassador in Rome)
• Rome, Italy: Mr. Patrick Vercauteren (currently Ambassador in Paris)
• Tokyo, Japan: Mr. Gunther Sleeuwagen (currently Director Eastern and Southeastern Europe / Central Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Zagreb, Croatia: Mr. Philippe Benoit (currently Advisor to the Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


• Hong Kong, China: Ms. Michèle Deneffe currently Director Middle East / North Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs )
• Montréal, Canada: Mr. Hubert Roisin (currently Advisor to the Royal Palace)
• Mumbai, India: Mr. Peter Huyghebaert (currently Ambassador in Abidjan)
• São Paulo, Brazil: Mr. Charles Delogne (currently Ambassador in Luanda)

Ständige Vertretungen

• OPCW, The Hague: Mr. Christian Lepage (currently Ambassador in Bratislava)
• OECD & UNESCO, Paris: Mr. Jean-Joël Schittecatte (currently Director Neighbouring Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Der König hat auch der Ernennung von Hern Rik Van Droogenbroeck (derzeit Ministerrat an der Botschaft in Peking) alls Chef der belgischen Vertretung in Taipeh, Taiwan, zugestimmt.

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