FBI helps with anti-terror investigation

Friday’s edition of the Francophone business daily ‘L’Echo’ says that the Federal Judicial Authorities have been able to confirm that Mohamed Abrini was the third Zaventem bomber thanks to facial recognition software provide by the FBI.

L’Echo reports that detectives working on the case faced difficulties analysing the digital images recorded by CCTV cameras and the DNA samples taken in their efforts to determine whether or not Mohamed Abrini was the “man with the hat” that was seen on CCTV footage next to Najim Laachraoui and Ibrahim El Bakraoui at Zaventem Airport.

The FBI lent the Belgian police a hand in the form of its Next Gen Identification System. The system is a facial recognition software. Thanks to its use Belgian detectives were able to confirm that the man in the hat was indeed Mohamed Abrini.

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