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Belgian earns an average of 3,489 gross/month

According to figures released by the Federal Bureau of statistics Statbel, the average monthly salary in Belgium in 2016 was 3,489 euro. The figures also reveal that a master’s degree remains the best way of ensuring that you will get a well-paid job. Meanwhile, the earning’s gap between men and women is shrinking. Brussels remains the area where the highest wages are paid.  

The figures show that in 2016 those working full-time could expect to earn an average of 3,489 euro gross/month. However, there are big various between the worst and the best paid jobs. 10% of people working in Belgium had gross earnings of less than 2,233 euro/month. Meanwhile, 10% earned more than 5,381 euro gross/month.

There are many factors that influence how much we earn. The most import is you job and the economic sector in which you work. Not unsurprisingly, Director-Generals earn the most and waiters and bar staff earn the least. The best-paid industry is petrochemicals.  

Women earned 5% less than men

Although the gap is narrowing there is still a 5% difference in average gross wages between men and women in 2016. Statbel says that the wage gap between men and women has shrunk considerably (from 12% in 2007 to 5% in 2016).  

Age is also an important factor in how much a person earns. On average those over 60 earn 113% more than those under 20.

The place you work also has an influence on what you earn. For example that working in Brussel have average gross monthly earnings that are 17% higher than the average for those working outside the capital. Meanwhile those working in and around the West Flemish town of Veurne earn 20% less than the national average.    

It pays to study

Qualifications have a big influence on how much a person earns. Though with a bachelor degree earn 5% more than the national average, while the difference can be as much as 51% for those with a master’s degree. Meanwhile, those with just a certificate of secondary education earn 17% less than the national average.  

Werknemers die geen hogere studies hebben afgerond, worden daarvoor financieel afgestraft. Wie enkel een diploma hoger secundair onderwijs heeft, verdient 17 procent minder dan het Belgische gemiddelde. Werknemers die maximaal het lager secundair onderwijs hebben afgerond, verdienen gemiddeld 23 procent minder.

The figures all come from a Statbel survey in which 95.000 people took part.

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