Racism complaint against Bart De Wever

A Moroccan human rights organisation is joining a group of Moroccan Belgians in filing a complaint for racism against the Mayor of Antwerp, Bart De Wever. The complainants are responding to the words that the leader of the Flemish nationalist party used with regard to Moroccan Berbers.

Mr De Wever last week told Flemish TV viewers that racism was a consequence and not the cause of our social problems. He added that some groups in society didn't have sufficient attitude to follow a vocational training and look for work. He named the Berber community in his city as an example.

Mr De Wever's pronouncements triggered a response in the Flemish media and in the federal and Flemish parliaments.

Seven Moroccan Belgians are joining Moroccan human rights in filing a complaint: “We are Belgian citizens, but Mr De Wever keeps on reducing us to the origin of our parents" fashion designer Rachida Aziz told the daily De Standaard.

The complaint is being lodged with the Antwerp prosecutor's office that will have the job of examining whether it has any grounds. If the prosecutor's office finds grounds for racism a judicial complaint will automatically follow. If that happens a request will have to be made to lift Mr De Wever's parliamentary immunity, a request that may not be honoured.

During a meeting of Antwerp council on Monday night Mr De Wever refused to apologise for his pronouncements and chose not to discuss the issue as it did not feature on the agenda.

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