Scores of motorists fined for slowcoach driving!

Each year some 650 motorists are fined for driving too slowly on Belgian roads fresh figures reveal.

Under Belgian law drivers are not allowed to obstruct the normal flow of traffic by driving abnormally slowly when there is no reason for doing so. They are not allowed to brake suddenly if this is not in the interest of safety. The latest figures from the home ministry show that in 2013 150 drivers were fined on the motorways alone for failing to keep up with traffic. A minimum speed of 70 km/h is expected on Belgian motorways.

It was liberal lawmaker Sabien Lahaye-Battheu, who requested the figures. She says she's pleased that it's not only speeding motorists who are fined: "Driving slowly can be extremely dangerous."

Speed cameras are not the solution. Sabien Lahaye-Battheu: "They cannot register drivers who are driving abnormally slowly. It's not feasible. Otherwise everybody who ended up in a jam would be fined!"

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